Environmental Services

Our core competencies range from traditional contaminated site assessments with hydraulic modeling including conception, supervision, and evaluation of necessary site investigations, to soil protection concepts and pedological monitoring of construction projects as well as nature conservation and “eco-account” issues to water-related topics such as water rights permitting in the drinking water sector and (seepage) water treatment.

Basic assessment and deficit analysis

For us, every project begins with the comprehensive determination, analysis, and evaluation of available data, information, and overall circumstances. The comprehensive definition of an objective and the description of the working approach are essential for targeted, professional project work. A holistic and sensible project strategy and concept can only be developed once knowledge and knowledge deficits have been identified.

As part of a deficit analysis, we therefore provide valuable information before the start of field work, assessment, or monitoring on the necessary actions to bring the project to a successful conclusion.

Site investigation concept

Building on results and findings from basic assessment and/or deficit analysis, it is often necessary to carry out further field investigations on site. In doing so, we always think in terms of the overall objective and place the scrutiny of the critical issues at the center of our project planning. When developing our investigation concepts, we therefore aim to illuminate all relevant aspects as comprehensively as possible and to implement them in a holistic and strategic approach.

To select the most promising research, field, and laboratory investigations for the respective objective from the multitude of possible options, we involve specialized experts from different fields in the design process and thus work on an interdisciplinary basis. Economic action, the pursuit of the client's wishes and requirements, and the consideration of legal, technical, and environmental frameworks are an integral part of the investigation concepts and sampling plans.

Exploration supervision

Based on the site investigation concepts and sampling plans, the necessary field and laboratory investigations are carried out as the project progresses. Our services include not only the process steps of contaminated site investigation - from HE to OU and DU according to BBodSchG and BBodSchV - but also further investigations for example in the context of geothermal, resource deposit, or drinking water developments.

This involves carrying out and/or accompanying shallow and deep drillings, hand augering, and other exploration work as well as pedological mapping, water level measurements, hydrological investigations, and chemical analyses as well as geotechnical, physical, and nature conservation investigations. Where necessary, we also call on the services of specialists from our established network in various areas of expertise in related fields.

Numerical modelling

Understanding processes and system interactions is essential for decision-making in many environmental projects. With the help of standard tools, we map the essential interactions of soil, groundwater, and surface water on a numerical level. In our projects, we successfully apply (among others) PHREEQC, ModFlow and FeFlow, including transient simulations. Sensitivity and scenario analyses can help to forecast developments and provide a robust basis for future decisions.

Assessment and reporting

As part of the assessment process, all data and findings obtained in previous project phases are analyzed and put into context. Interconnected digital tools such as GIS, CAD, and our in-house database help us with the integrated assessment of complex environmental issues.

The results and findings are plausibly compiled in well-founded expert reports. We also consider it as important part of our work to present and communicate the often complex results to the various stakeholders and the public in an understandable and appropriate manner. In addition, new scientific or technical findings are regularly published as scientific papers in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals.

Environmental site assessment (Phase II)

For contaminated site issues, the assessment processes must generally be considered in the context of federal soil protection legislation (BBodSchG and BBodSchV).

In a first step, an initial investigation of the suspected contaminated site is carried out to determine whether the contamination can be confirmed or disproven (OU). In a second step, the confirmed contaminated site is investigated in closer detail to determine the effects of the contamination on critical environmental compartments via the relevant pathways soil-human, soil-plants/crops and soil-(ground)water and to evaluate the environmental impact in a final hazard assessment (DU).

We are a member of the Association of Experts and Investigation Centers according to §18 BBodSchG (V18) and have experts in the fields of soil-water (SG2), soil-crop (SG3), and remediation (SG5).

Reclamation assessment (Phase III)

In case of a confirmed contaminated site with a tangible hazard or risk for the environment, the next step is a reclamation assessment. Firstly, preliminary reclamation objectives are defined, and possible reclamation options developed. Using a generally iterative procedure, these are analyzed and evaluated by experts regarding their impact on the reclamation objectives, technical feasibility, and effects on those affected by reclamation efforts. In the standardized procedure of the proportionality assessment (suitability, necessity, appropriateness), the large number of reclamation options is narrowed down to finally identify a preferred reclamation option in consultation with the client and the responsible authorities.


Long-term observation with recurring investigations is often an essential part of understanding environmental processes. Appropriate monitoring is used as part of assessment processes to accompany reclamation or remediation measures as well as in the monitoring and aftercare of contaminated sites, landfills, or abandoned mine sites.

We are used to collecting, processing, and analyzing copious amounts of data over long periods of time as part of our projects. In our experience, it is crucial to place great importance on the quality of the data throughout the entire process, especially when different parties are involved. With the help of a suitable monitoring concept and well-founded sampling planning, the supervision of representative sampling as well as comprehensive technical plausibility checks and quality assurance, it is possible to fulfil the legally required evidence preservation tasks on the one hand and to identify trends and the need to initiate measures on the other hand.

Planning, execution, and construction

We are happy to support you in complex reclamation and remediation projects involving contaminated sites and landfills as well as soil and (ground)water protection with innovative, holistic, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions: We are your partner right from the start and take on the tasks of conceptualization, design, approval, and implementation planning, support with tendering and awarding, project management, construction supervision, and comprehensive client representation through to aftercare and monitoring.

Conceptualization and feasibility

We are happy to support your planning and construction projects right from the start. Based on a well-founded basic assessment, the development of concepts, and feasibility studies, our aim is to find sustainable approaches that take economic and ecological factors into account in equal measure. We focus on identifying those indicators that are decisive for the success of the specific project in terms of implementing new solutions or transforming conventional processes and facilities into sustainable ones.

We have many years of experience in carrying out reclamation assessments, including but not limited to contaminated sites, landfills, abandoned mine sites and other environmental legacies.

Conceptual studies and preliminary planning / design

Following the definition of the overall project strategy and objectives, the task is to identify, compile, and analyze possible options to achieve the targeted remediation, economic efficiency, and sustainability objectives. Further on, the options are narrowed down to technically and legally possible scenarios, taking into account interdisciplinary expertise, e.g. from the chemical, process engineering, geological, stability, and modelling fields.

The subsequent development of the preferential option at pre-planning level with cost estimates and knowledge of constraints serves as a basis for strategic and investment decisions at management level.

Design and approval planning

Once the design scenario has been determined, the iterative development of the design planning begins together with the client based on the planning objectives identified in feasibility and conceptual studies. We coordinate all technical participants and integrate the partial results of technical experts into the planning process. The associated cost calculation and time management ensure transparency. 

The subsequent approval planning in close coordination with the project developer includes the preparation of all necessary documents and plans, which serve as the basis for the official review. In addition, active authority management and communication can be helpful to recognize relevant points with official stakeholders at an early stage. These can thus be integrated more quickly and efficiently into the planning process and brought to a favorable decision.

Construction design and participation in the awarding of contracts

Once the relevant authorities have given their approval, we can start working on the specific (construction) design of your project by planning the execution of all individual crafts, including scheduling and communication. We draw up work descriptions and technical specifications for the call for tenders for construction and, if necessary, engineering services for your project and determine the cost estimate.

After receiving the bids, we take over the evaluation for you and provide technical and professional support during the bidder interviews and in the award process.

OHS concepts and supervision

For your planning and construction projects, we support you in the preparation of occupational safety documents of all kinds, such as construction site regulations, health and safety plans, A+S plans, or HSE management plans.

In addition, we take on the tasks of health and safety coordinator in accordance with the Construction Site Ordinance and the coordination of work in contaminated areas in accordance with DGUV 101-004 (formerly BGR 128).

Construction site management and supervision

We would like to lead your project to a successful conclusion, taking into account all professional, technical, and economic aspects, and in this context, we take over the supervision of the realization with both site management and operational construction supervision. As part of a holistic approach, we work with you to update the planning objectives as required and adapt the implementation details. The ongoing construction site documentation ultimately leads to a complete and up-to-date documentation of the existing structure, which is supplemented by an excerpted manual with the essential building characteristics and operating, maintenance, and servicing requirements.


As technical consultants, planners, and experts in environmental projects, we provide technical, administrative, and procedural support for operation and maintenance of your reclamation and landfill sites or your water extraction and treatment facilities. We support you in project management as well as in the coordination of interfaces and trades.

In addition to identifying the necessary operating, maintenance, and upkeep measures as derived from legal and technical frameworks and the state-of-the-art, we are also concerned with their implementation and integration into your individual processes. We are also happy to take on tasks within the scope of environmental monitoring for your (decommissioned) landfill, contaminated site, mining or water facilities.

In the post-operation phase, we also work with you to evaluate the project objectives and (continuously) monitor the success of the operation to identify optimization potential and assess opportunities or risks in line with a quality management system approach or the PDCA cycle.

Strategy Consulting

With many years of experience in environmental issues as well as in business management and consultancy, we are the ideal partner for the strategic evaluation and support of your projects. Water, soil, and energy - today's critical resources - are our focus, for instance in supporting utilities in securing their future, in research and development projects with renowned universities, in due diligence for sustainability projects, in project and interface coordination as well as in operational and organizational consulting through to taking over operational management.

Environmental consulting

With our many years of expert experience, we are also at your disposal as consultants: Whether for due diligence in the environmental sector, in the analysis and evaluation of investment and project plans, or in the external, strategic assessment of concepts, studies, strategies, and expert reports, we can offer you an independent view and thus provide you with the basis for well-founded decisions.

Strategy design

Whether developing drinking water production facilities or reorganizing a company - a sound strategy is the basis.

To this end, we analyze the requirements, opportunities, and risks arising from the current and future environment of your business or project and develop future, project, business, and market strategies in line with your objectives on this basis together with you. We then support you in the implementation of your strategies as part of project management, in necessary legal proceedings, or in the area of expert opinions.

Research and development

In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions, we contribute to the development and implementation of innovative technologies and to the optimization of existing processes in the environmental sector.

Two of our current research projects are concerned with the treatment of contaminated water: Firstly, passive-biological water treatment in constructed wetlands for ecological, resource-saving treatment of mine and landfill leachates, and secondly the in-situ treatment of nitrate-contaminated (ground)water.

Environmental (legal) proceedings

Many environmental projects are accompanied by legal proceedings. We are happy to manage and coordinate your procedures, starting with the joint definition of procedural objectives and strategy, through scoping and active communication with the authorities, to the preparation and compilation of the necessary application documents and expert opinions. In more complex cases, we also work together with experienced environmental lawyers from our cooperation network to explore the legal options for you as project developer and represent you vis-à-vis the authorities.

Project management and coordination

Our experience in many projects has shown that foresighted planning and a holistic view of the individual lines of action are critical success factors. We take on project management for you in small- and large-scale environmental, exploration, planning, and development projects with multiple interfaces, crafts, and long durations, as well as adopting the coordinating position in interdisciplinary projects. Naturally, we transfer the strategies of classic project management to your specific project and utilize the relevant tools.

Operational and organizational consulting

In a coordinating position between environmental expertise and operational (technical) operations, we would like to help you to optimize and simplify processes. The focus here is on process consulting and a holistic approach in terms of a quality management systems on the one hand and compliance with documentation obligations and the creation of organizationally and legally compliant working environments and working conditions on the other hand. The overall objective is always to integrate new requirements into the existing structures of your organization in the best possible way and to take special account of individual characteristics.

We also focus on the philosophy of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and a development towards sustainability.

Operational and interim management

In addition to advising the top management of SMEs on fundamental business decisions, we also take over the management and leadership of your company on a temporary basis as part of an interim management program. Corporate strategy and organizational development are just as central to this as controlling, finance, and investment management or the development and implementation of market and business area strategies. In the constantly changing economic and business environment of our society, we also support you in company conversions or merger and acquisition decisions.


As certified eco-account manager, we advise you on setting up and managing of your eco-account in accordance with BayKompV. Together, we develop sustainability and improvement strategies for nature conservation areas and take over the management and accounting of compensation measures resulting from interventions in the natural environment and landscape.